Along with all the people of North Durham, I wish to express my deepest sorrow at the passing of HM Elizabeth II.

Her Majesty was a singular example of service, sacrifice and adherence to duty. She conveyed calmness and ensured stability during periods of national upheaval, all whilst expressing a great personal warmness and sincerity.

Her Majesty served the United Kingdom through her lifetime and through the lifetime of most of us. She was our connection with the past and a reminder of our shared heritage.

In the execution of her duties, she was tireless, understated, and modest. Those of us who hold public office must uphold the example she leaves us. Indeed, she was an example to us all.

Her Majesty was beloved by the people of the United Kingdom. My thoughts and prayers go out to the Queen’s family and the Royal Household at this deeply sad time.

The Rt Hon Kevan Jones MP